Even though my birth did not go as planned (more about that here), I still felt prepared with what I packed in my hospital bag! I spent some time looking through pinterest & reaching out to friends to see exactly what I would need vs. what would just be “nice to have”. I was packed and ready to go to the hospital at about 36ish weeks and Ryans bag was packed at 38 weeks. I can say we 100% had everything that we needed and did not feel overpacked!
What I packed for myself
Clothes- of course clothes were one of the first things that I packed. I wanted to make sure that I was comfortable (I hate hospitals!) and did’t run out of anything. Clothing wise I brought my own birthing gown, nursing bras, a pair of black joggers, a t shirt, a cardigan, a robe, 2 sleep gowns, and some slippers. Most of the item I bought were from Kindred Braverly– I LOVE their postpartum items, they’re so comfortable.
Postpartum Items
Even though the hospital had everything that I needed, I packed some of my personal items just to be safe. I bought beforehand the Fridamom postpartum kit and can say it was SO great both in the hospital and when I got home. I loved all of the items in the kit and they really came in handy.
What I packed for Londyn
Even though we didn’t get the chance to wear them, I made sure Londyn had the cutest outfits for her first few days in the world! I packed a first outfit, a going home outfit, some burp clothes & a welcome sign. I also brought my diaper bag and used it as my “purse” for my hospital stay, so I had that with me too.
What Ryan packed
Ryan packed typical items & mostly just necessities that he needed for himself. He DID pack a long charger that ended up being great for both of us, some snacks and a camera that would’v been great for photos, had we had the original birth that we expected.
Overall, these things were all so great during our (not expected) extended hospital stay & I would recommend to anyone!