Today is National Stress Awareness Day (…who knew!) so I figured todays weekly inspiration would be a perfect time to share some things that help me when I am feeling stressed out. Between starting a new job, moving across the country & planning a wedding all in the last 6 months- to say I was feeling a little stressed would be an understatement. Sharing below 3 things that helped me navigate through those times:
Take a break
Taking small breaks, whether it’s throughout the day or sporadically throughout the week, have always helped me relax when I am feeling a little stressed. For me- I try to choose at least 1 night during the work week to stop working on time & commit to not doing any work (whether its for my corporate job or personal) and instead do something that I truly want to do. This could mean taking some down time to read a book, or even binge watching a tv show Ive been wanting to watch. Whatever it is, I make sure it’t not work and something relaxing

Make a list
I would like to consider myself the queen of lists! I have lists for, life, etc. Making lists helps me prioritize things I am trying to get done throughout the week & ensures that I am staying on track. Lists help me not only stay organized, but also help me prioritize things that I really want to get done vs. things I would LIKE to get done (because there is a difference!). Doing this makes sure that I am not over stressing about anything and meet all the deadlines I am trying to meet
Which brings me to my next trick- reprioritizing! The great thing about making lists is that they are not permanent & can change. Sometimes when I make a list, I get things done quicker than I thought I would OR some things take longer than expected so I have to adjust my timing. I used to get stressed when this happens, but I now look at it differently. Reprioritizing tasks throughout the week helps me make sure I am getting everything done on time, but also allowing myself to complete it as best as I can to make sure I don’t feel rushed, etc.
What are some things that help you feel stress free?