Yesterday, I said in a blog post that I got a new job. I described my feeling for something new as an “urge” that I had for a while & couldn’t shake off. I also said in a separate post that I always trust my instincts. Although I have always lived way, I have never really thought about it.
1: a way of behaving, thinking, or feeling that is not learned : a natural desire or tendency that makes you want to act in a particular way
2: something you know without learning it or thinking about it
3: a natural ability

Most people have heard the phrase “trust your instincts” a couple of times in their lives. I am someone who has always trusted them, not really fearing the outcome much. I think instincts are Gods way of giving us two things: assurance and building our faith. Acting on instincts can be very scary sometimes, not knowing what is next or what’s to come. Even though that can be a little uneasy, it can also be exciting that something new is about happen in your life.
This week, my challenge for you is to trust your instincts a little bit more! Have you been feeling excited about new, but scared to try? This is your sign to do so. Trust Yourself!
Until Next Time!