Londyn Grace Lemelle was born September 16, 2022 at 3:56 pm. I can’t believe she is already a month old- it’s been newborn bliss ever since she got here & we couldn’t be happier. We have been running off of minimal sleep & coffee the last few weeks, but I’m super thankful that Ryan has been able to be home with me this entire time and we still have a few weeks left before he goes back to work.

Our birth did not go as expected for many reasons & I can say that it was a bit traumatic- we ended up being in the hospital longer then expected (almost a week!) and had not mentally prepared for that to be our circumstance. Due to some earlier findings, we planned to be induced on the 15th at midnight. By the time we were checked in at the hospital, I was already dilated so they didn’t need to do much! After 9 hours unmedicated I finally decided that I needed an epidural and three hours later Londyn was born. The entire day went by so fast, we had written an entire birthing plan and ended up not needing most of it. After giving birth, both Londyn and myself had complications that we couldn’t of prepared for.
I had originally planned exactly how our first few days would go, our “coming home outfits”, etc. and absolutely none of that went as we thought it would. Two extended hospital stays (myself and Londyn) meant no time for photos and all the time for emotions-anxiety, stress & fear. Ryan & I both decided to not let our emotions get the best of us, trusted God and looking back to that first week flew by and we were home in no time.

Even though our birth did NOT go as we planned, we still have our perfect little girl finally here. I’ll be sharing our newborn essentials soon & all the things we have used on a daily basis!