Buying wallpaper for a last minute playroom was nowhere in our budget, so I decided to DIY a sponge wall! I wanted the wall the be playful with a touch of subtle whimsical to it. since I knew I would be sharing this room with Londyn as my office, I didn’t want it to feel too “toddler like” but also didn’t want it to feel too mature and stuffy for her. I love how it feels like a balance of the two and works for both of us.

DIY Accent Wall: Playroom
Doing the wall literally took only about a hour and cost me under $30. The first thing I did was go to the store and get two buckets of paint samples. If you want a more “clean, consistent” look then you for sure need more paint than this, but since I knew I wanted the wall to look space-y that is all I needed. The other thing I got was a grout sponge. I got this sponge since it was thicker on the side and would be easy for me to hold and “stamp” the wall with. Other supplies included a drop cloth, a paint tray & some good music.

Starting at the top of the wall, I then dipped the sponge into the paint and “stamped” it onto the wall. I did this over + over until I had finished one line across the top of the wall. I then continued, let it dry and did another “stamp” (as I like to call it) on places where I wanted the paint to look more saturated. That was literally it. If I had’ve known it was this easy, I would’ve done it sooner! I love how it came out & am looking forward to (if I muster up the courage) more home DIY projects!

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