If “transitional” were a season, it would probably be most peoples favorite. Transitional weather is where you are able to wear many things from your closet from more than one season due to the weather being in between hot & cold. Basically, it’s the time where you can wear your favorite spring tops with fall pants & won’t look too crazy bringing your go-to booties out of your closet, even though the sun is still shining. Here in Texas, the months between fall and winter are a little tricky. It can be a little chilly in the early A.M., but by 12 it is 9 degrees. Needless to say, layers during this time are a necessity.

I love flares as I always say (example A here) & typically wear them at least once a week during this time of year. Flares are that one item that in my eyes look good on everyone, just add a cute pair of wedges & you’re good to go for the day! Another trend that I semi-like (like only sometimes) is the whole new tie-around-your-neck look. P.S- I honestly don’t know what this is called, so if you do-please comment below, haha! But really, I like the neck ties on tops, but I never tie them. I like the dimention they add to a top by leaving them untied, actually.

These dark flares are ones that will be on repeat all winter long! Since they’re so dark, they can be worn with almost any color top & are the perfect length. One secret I have when buying flares is to make sure that I bring the wedges I normally wear with me to make sure that they are the right length! Needless to say, it is a big pet peeve of mine when my flares are either too long or a few inches too short. Anyways, make sure to get you some for the fall, I’ve linked some fab ones below!

Until Next Time!