Now that we have finished our first week of 2022, I have had time to reflect on 2021 & all that it was. I normally don’t spend too much time reflecting on the past, but took some time to do since my 2021 was such a crazy year. Sharing below the top 4 things that 2021 taught me.

Sometimes things don’t go as planned…and that is okay.
In the last 12 months we moved across the country, planned a wedding, bought a house & I had to get a new car unexpectantly. It would be an understatement to say that not everything went as planned. Starting for our house for example…we literally had to fly down three times to find the perfect one. Oh and our wedding…we ended up going well over budget because there were some things we just had to have. And not to mention that as soon as we moved, my car decided it didn’t want to work anymore & I had to get a new one.
I said all of this to say- things don’t go as planned sometimes & that is okay. I can’t say things turned out better then they would’ve if everything went as planned, because I don’t know- but I can say that everything turned out exactly how it was supposed to.
Things will always be just that…things.
Because of all of the unexpected things listed above..I was really challenged to look at my finances. I have always been pretty budget savay, but have also known that I don’t save nearly as much as I could..or should. 2021 allowed me to analyze why I truly feel the need to buy things, and reevaluate if I actually need them. I have always been a shopper, but over the last few years have really focused on quality purchases over quantity.
Meaning, I do not buy nearly as many “things” as I used to, but really make sure whatever I am buying not only do I really want it..but that it lasts as well. I no longer buy shoes just because they are on sale, but spend months looking for the perfect pair that will last me a while but I know I will really use it (even if it is a splurge). Doing things this way has helped me live a more”minimal lifestyle” in 2021 & that is something I am looking forward to continuing in 2022.
Time is precious..don’t waste it
A few years ago I learned the power of NO and saying no to things that don’t make me happy. In 2021, I think I took this concept and made it more meaningful..adding the element of time. Time is something we don’t get back, ever. Having time to do the things you want is an underrated luxury many don’t have. In 2021 I had lots of free time to do things that I truly wanted to do. Not because I came across a time capsule or anything crazy (LOL), but simply because I choose to spend my time wisely & how I wanted to.
When you actually pay attention to time, it’s crazy (or it was to me) to realize how much time is spent on things that don’t matter. Like…matter at all! Paying more attention to how I am spending my time has helped me refocus my energy into things that I want to..and continue saying no to things that I don’t want to do.

Taking care of yourself first really does work.
Before the wedding, I committed myself to getting into the best shape that I could! I took this challenge to heart, working out every morning at 6 AM for almost 8 months straight. Not only did I look better, but I actually felt better too. I know, I know- this is normal. BUT- I have never in my life been consistent enough to see a change.
I have always been a fan of self care (Self Care Sundays are my thing), but taking it even further and adding some small things into my daily life enhanced this in 2021. Drinking more water, not staring at a screen all day & letting my eyes rest and even making myself rest more often all contributed to myself overall feeling happier & heathier!
What are some things you learned in 2021?