Every year, I choose a word that I commit to live by. I didn’t do this in 2021 for many reasons- for one I had a lot coming up (moving, buying a new house, getting married) that I knew I wouldn’t have much control of certain things so I decided to skip stressing myself out and just go with the flow!

Although this was great for last year, I am so excited to be getting back into my normal & goal setting and choosing a word. My word for this year is intentional.
Intentional; adjective
done on purpose; deliberate.
In 2022, I want to be intentional;
Intentional with my time & only doing things that bring me purpose or happiness.
Intentional with relationships, growing the ones that matter to me and saying bye to the ones that don’t
Intentional with my finances. Saving more & spending less.
Intentional with my fitness & continuing the goals I set for myself last year which turned out to be something I actually enjoy now, ha!
Intentional with my words. I have learned to say NO a lot the last few years, and I want to continue this.

I already made my vision board for this year & love how this word aligns with all of my yearly goals too! Do you set a word of the year? If so- what is yours?